Funniest Joke Book: Giggles and Chuckles for Every Age

We have researched 11 joke books for you.

In search of the ultimate side-splitter, we've scoured libraries, bookstores, and the far reaches of the internet to compile a list that's guaranteed to tickle your funny bone. Our carefully curated selection brings together the wittiest, most hilarious joke collections designed to provide endless entertainment and laughter at any time of day.

Whether you're looking to liven up a party or just enjoy a good giggle in your downtime, these humor-filled volumes boast an eclectic mix of punchlines, anecdotes, and comic treasures. From classic knee-slappers to contemporary quips, each entry in our lineup has been chosen for its ability to keep the chuckles coming page after page.
To simplify the price comparison, we determine the prices for the individual articles on Amazon, Ebay and other shops and link the offers via partner links where applicable. This means that we receive a commission if you buy something that we recommend - the price does not change for you.

What to Look for in Funniest Joke Books

Important criteria

  • Quality of content
  • Age appropriateness
  • Variety of jokes
  • Author's reputation
  • Book format (hardcover, paperback, ebook)
  • Illustrations (if applicable)

1.) Quality of Content

When buying a joke book that aims to be the funniest, focus on the humor style and content quality. Not all jokes age well, so check for contemporary humor and relevance to current times. It's important to leaf through a few pages to ensure the jokes resonate with your sense of humor. Look for reviews or excerpts to gauge the comic appeal of the material. Also, consider the intended audience, as humor can be very subjective and differ between age groups, cultures, and personal preferences.

2.) Author and Reviews

Research the author's background in humor and writing, as seasoned comedians or writers tend to have a sharper comedic sense. Customer reviews can provide insights into how other readers perceived the book's humor. Despite individual differences, a generally high rating with many positive remarks could indicate a successful hit rate of jokes. Avoid books with a predominance of negative feedback regarding insensitivity or poor taste.

3.) Physical Quality and Illustrations

The physical make-up of the book can affect enjoyment and usability. Durable binding, high-quality paper, and a comfortable font size can make the joke-reading experience more pleasant. Illustrations can enhance the entertainment value of a joke book, especially if the visual humor complements the written content. If the book is for children, colorful and engaging pictures are often a key draw.

4.) Value for Money

Consider the cost in relation to the size and content of the joke book. A larger book with a vast collection of jokes may offer better value than a smaller one. Some books include additional features such as tear-out pages, audio versions, or interactive elements that might justify a higher price. Set a reasonable budget, but also be ready to invest a bit more for a book that seems to deliver high-quality humor.

The Funniest Joke Books of our Choice

Our Pick
Adams Media The Best Joke Book (Period):
Adams Media The Best Joke Book (Period):
  • High-resolution display for clear visuals.
  • Fast processor for quick performance.
  • Long battery life for extended use.
  • Large storage capacity for ample files.
  • High-quality camera for sharp photos.
  • Enhanced security features for data protection.
  • Seamless connectivity for easy sharing.
  • Intuitive user interface for user-friendly navigation.
  • Durable construction for long-lasting durability.
  • Versatile compatibility for various applications.
  • Responsive touch screen for smooth interaction.
  • Efficient multitasking for better productivity.
  • Expandable memory options for added flexibility.
  • Wireless charging capabilities for convenience.
  • Advanced audio technology for immersive sound.
$ 12.94 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Ridley's Ridley’s Seriously Crap Joke Book
Ridley's Ridley’s Seriously Crap Joke Book
Type/Color: Seriously Crap Jokes
  • Funny joke cards for adults and kids
  • Great conversation starter for any party
  • Recommended for kids and adults of all ages
  • Includes 100 silly jokes on individual cards
  • Joke cards are shaped like poo
  • Stored in a durable paper box
  • Makes a great gift for funny family members or friends
  • Ridley's invents original, quality games and toys
$ 8.86 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Price Pick
Funster 600+ Funniest Dad Jokes Book:
Funster 600+ Funniest Dad Jokes Book:
  • High-quality materials for durability.
  • User-friendly interface for easy operation.
  • Compact size for convenient storage.
  • Powerful performance for efficient use.
  • Versatile functionality to meet various needs.
  • Energy-efficient design for reduced power consumption.
  • Multiple connectivity options for flexible usage.
  • Intuitive controls for seamless navigation.
  • Robust construction for long-lasting reliability.
  • Enhanced safety features for worry-free operation.
$ 4.95 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
SpiceBox Prank Toys Kit for Kids with Practical Joke Book
SpiceBox Prank Toys Kit for Kids with Practical Joke Book
Model: 10830 Type/Color: Multi Colors Size: Practical Jokes
  • Pranking kit with fun supplies for kids
  • 32 gags and pranks for making people laugh
  • Sturdy packaging for organizing pranking games
  • Step-by-step instructions for learning prank techniques
  • Complete kids practical joke kit with various items
$ 12.99 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Portable Press The Funniest & Grossest Joke Book Ever!
Portable Press The Funniest & Grossest Joke Book Ever!
  • High-quality materials for durability and longevity.
  • User-friendly interface for easy navigation and operation.
  • Efficient performance for optimal productivity and speed.
  • Versatile functionality to meet various needs and requirements.
  • Reliable and stable operation for consistent performance.
  • Compact and lightweight design for portability and convenience.
  • Enhanced security features for data protection and privacy.
  • Intuitive controls for seamless and hassle-free usage.
  • Wide compatibility with different devices and platforms.
  • Energy-efficient for reduced power consumption and cost savings.
$ 7.64 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Portable Press The Biggest, Funniest
Portable Press The Biggest, Funniest
  • High performance CPU for fast processing.
  • Large storage capacity for storing data.
  • Efficient battery for long lasting usage.
  • Robust and durable construction for longevity.
  • Intuitive user interface for easy navigation.
  • High resolution display for clear visuals.
  • Fast charging capability for quick recharging.
  • Advanced security features to protect data.
  • Multiple connectivity options for versatile usage.
  • Sleek and compact design for portability.
$ 12.29 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Neu Westend Press The funniest joke books in the world:
Neu Westend Press The funniest joke books in the world:
  • Compact design for easy portability.
  • Efficient performance with advanced technology.
  • Durable construction for long-lasting use.
  • High-quality materials ensure reliability and sturdiness.
  • Intuitive user interface for effortless operation.
  • Versatile functionality to meet various needs.
  • Multiple connectivity options for seamless integration.
  • Enhanced security features to protect your data.
  • Energy-efficient operation for reduced power consumption.
  • Wide compatibility with different devices and platforms.
$ 6.99 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Menucha Publishers The World's Funniest Joke Book
Menucha Publishers The World's Funniest Joke Book
  • High-speed processing for efficient performance.
  • Large storage capacity for storing data.
  • User-friendly interface for easy navigation.
  • Strong and durable construction for long-lasting use.
  • Versatile compatibility with various devices.
  • Enhanced security features for data protection.
  • Multiple connectivity options for seamless integration.
  • Intuitive software with convenient customization options.
  • Efficient power management for extended battery life.
  • Responsive touch display for interactive user experience.
$ 15.59 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Independently published The Silly Kids Joke Book:
Independently published The Silly Kids Joke Book:
  • Waterproof design for durability in wet conditions
  • High-resolution camera for sharp images and video
  • Fast processor for smooth performance
  • Long-lasting battery for extended use
  • Expandable storage for more space
  • Secure fingerprint sensor for added protection
$ 9.99 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Independently published The Book Of Terribly Awesome Dad Jokes
Independently published The Book Of Terribly Awesome Dad Jokes
  • Reliable performance
  • Easy to use interface
  • High compatibility with devices
  • Good user feedback
  • Fast data processing speed
$ 7.95 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
Smith Freeman Funny, Funnier
Smith Freeman Funny, Funnier
  • High quality materials and craftsmanship.
  • Durable design that stands the test of time.
  • Efficient and reliable performance for everyday use.
  • User-friendly interface for easy operation.
  • Versatile functionality to meet various needs.
  • Compact and portable for convenient transport.
  • Safe and secure usage with built-in safety features.
  • Energy-efficient for reduced environmental impact.
  • Excellent value for the price.
  • Sleek and modern design for aesthetic appeal.
$ 5.20 *
on Amazon
on Ebay
* All prices incl. VAT, plus shipping if applicable. Prices, delivery times and costs may change in the meantime. The selection of products was made independently of the manufacturer and without any claim to completeness. All links to products are external partner links through which we may receive compensation. All information without guarantee.

Top Picks for Those Seeking Laughter with Joke Books

For Family Fun
If you're looking for a joke book that will have the whole family giggling, we've got you covered. These selections promise a good time for parents and children alike, fostering a joyous atmosphere at home.
Office Humor Enthusiasts
Brighten up the workplace with a joke book tailored for office enjoyment. These books are perfect for breaking the ice and adding a touch of humor to your workday without crossing the line.
Comedy Aficionados
Connoisseurs of comedy seeking sophisticated humor, look no further. These joke books are curated to tickle the fancy of those with an intricate sense of humor.
Party Icebreakers
Get the party started with a joke book designed to lighten the mood and get guests laughing. These books are perfect for hosts who want to deliver entertainment and keep the conversation lively.

Questions You Might Ask

When choosing a joke book, consider the type of humor that appeals to you, the audience it's intended for (adults, children, families), the reputation of the author, and reviews from other readers to ensure the content matches your taste and is appropriate for who you're buying it for.
Yes, there are various types of joke books including one-liners, knock-knock jokes, pun collections, funny anecdotes, and comedian memoirs with humorous stories. Each type caters to different preferences and humor styles.
To find a quality joke book, check bestseller lists, read reviews from reputable sources, get recommendations from friends or family, and sample the content when possible by reading excerpts or looking inside the book online.
A good gift joke book should match the recipient's sense of humor, be appropriate for their age, and preferably have a broad appeal so that it can be enjoyed by a wider audience. Look for a well-reviewed book with high-quality content.
Yes, joke books can be educational. They can help readers understand the nuances of language through wordplay, improve vocabulary, showcase different cultures' humor, and even serve as a tool for learning public speaking skills through the delivery of jokes.

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How to Choose the Funniest Joke Book for You

Ready for a good laugh? Picking the perfect joke book can be as delightful as the giggles and guffaws you'll get from reading it. With a sea of options, though, knowing which book will tickle your funny bone is crucial. This guide is here to help you navigate the waters of humor to find the joke book that'll have you and your friends in stitches. From understanding your sense of humor to the quality of content, let's dive into the art of selecting a hilariously good read.

Know Your Humor Style

Humor is personal, so what has one person in tears of laughter might barely coax a smile from another. Are you into slapstick, or do you prefer witty wordplay? Consider the type of jokes that resonate with you and look for a book that specializes in that genre. If your humor is dry, seek out joke books with clever one-liners or satirical content.
Discuss your favorite comedians or funny movies with friends or family. This could give you insight into your humor preferences. Don't forget to read reviews of joke books online; often, the descriptions will give you a taste of what's inside, and customer feedback can highlight how others with similar tastes have reacted.

Look for Variety

A book with a wide range of joke styles can be enjoyable and keeps the amusement fresh. Look for collections that include a mix of puns, anecdotes, one-liners, and perhaps some visual gags. Versatility in humor ensures that even if some jokes miss the mark, others will hit it with precision.
Be mindful of books that might be too focused on a niche that doesn't interest you. While specialized joke books can be fantastic for aficionados of certain subjects, they can also fall flat if they don't align with your interests or knowledge base.

Consider Your Audience

Are you looking for belly laughs at a party, or are you in need of a light-hearted read for your child's bedtime? The audience you intend to share the jokes with can significantly impact your choice. If it's for family fun, ensure the content is appropriate for all ages and consider joke books that encourage reader participation.
Laughter is a communal experience, and sharing jokes can be a bonding activity. If you're planning to use the book in a social setting, seek out one with a broad appeal; you'll want jokes that are relatable and understood by a wide range of people.

Assess the Quality

Not all joke books are created equal. Higher quality books are well-curated, have a good flow, and are often penned by professional comedians or writers who understand timing and delivery. Check the publisher and whether the book has any endorsements or forewords by known humorists.
Avoid joke books that seem hastily thrown together or ones that contain too many clichés or dated references, unless that's specifically what you've set your mind on. Finally, consider the physical quality of the book — especially if it's a gift. A well-bound book with appealing cover art will have a bigger impact and last longer.

Price vs. Entertainment Value

You don't have to break the bank for a chuckle, but also remember that the cheapest option might not always provide the best laughs. Compare prices and think about the entertainment value you're getting. Are you looking for a quick read or something you can return to time and again for a pick-me-up?
Some joke books also come with additional features like illustrations or interactive elements which can enhance the reading experience. If these are important to you, they might justify a slightly higher price tag. However, the quality and compatibility of the humor with your taste should remain the top priority.

Hands-on Reviews and Recommendations from Discussion-Boards

In our quest to provide you with comprehensive resources on the topic of the "Funniest Joke Book," we have carefully curated a selection of the most informative and credible sources. These have been organized into four distinct categories for your convenience: reviews, forum posts, Reddit discussions, and videos. Each of these categories offers a unique perspective and valuable insights from various platforms, ensuring you have access to a well-rounded compendium of information.
May 18, 2020 — And the best of all, this is an entirely free joke app and you can share the jokes in many ways such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter or even SMS.
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This cool app will crack you up with the most hilarious jokes!Spend hours browsing through these funny jokes and LOL by yourself or with your friends and family ...
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Feb 20, 2015 — Our Verdict. The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 is a reminder that while Telltale may have usurped the adventure genre, great traditional point-and- ...
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These (real!) jokes from a 1400s joke book make great inspiration for peasant NPCs : r/rpg.
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What is the best joke books of all time? I like funny I dont care about anything else, bathroom readers, or classic tails. Its all the same, ...
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Not exactly a joke book, but if you're looking for some top notch humor , Dav Pilkey's Dog Man books are fantastic. I think I enjoy them as much ...
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Harry Potter NEW Joke book review | TRY NOT TO LAUGH
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let's review this harry potter joke book but try not to laugh! bad jokes, funny jokes and magical jokes that make this a funny video!

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