The Most Popular Horror Game Franchise, Ranked

Choose the horror game franchise you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 28, 2024 06:58
Horror games have always had a special place in the hearts of gamers, invoking a blend of excitement, fear, and adrenaline with every playthrough. Each horror game franchise offers a unique atmosphere and storyline, drawing in different groups of fans. Some prefer psychological thrills, while others opt for jumpscares and gore. By voting for your preferred horror game franchises, you contribute to a community-sourced ranking that reflects current trends and player preferences. Your participation helps newcomers choose their next thrilling adventure based on the collective opinion of seasoned enthusiasts. This actively updated lineup serves as a guide to what's currently most loved in the world of horror gaming.

What Is the Most Popular Horror Game Franchise?

  1. 1

    Resident Evil

    A survival horror series that focuses on characters battling the Umbrella Corporation and its biological weapons.
    • First Release: 1996
    • Developer: Capcom
  2. 2

    Silent Hill

    A series known for its psychological horror, complex stories, and eerie atmosphere, set in the fictional town of Silent Hill.
    • First Release: 1999
    • Developer: Konami
  3. 3


    A first-person survival horror series where players investigate a dilapidated psychiatric hospital.
    • First Release: 2013
    • Developer: Red Barrels
  4. 4

    Five Nights at Freddy's

    A series featuring a security guard working night shifts at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where animatronics roam at night.
    • First Release: 2014
    • Developer: Scott Cawthon
  5. 5

    Dead Space

    A sci-fi horror series where players face off against Necromorphs in space environments.
    • First Release: 2008
    • Developer: Visceral Games
  6. 6

    The Evil Within

    A series that involves players navigating through a world filled with nightmarish locations and creatures.
    • First Release: 2014
    • Developer: Tango Gameworks
  7. 7

    Fatal Frame

    A series that uses a camera to capture and fend off ghosts, set in haunted locations in Japan.
    • First Release: 2001
    • Developer: Tecmo
  8. 8

    Until Dawn

    An interactive drama horror game where players make decisions that affect the outcome and survival of the characters.
    • First Release: 2015
    • Developer: Supermassive Games
  9. 9

    Alien: Isolation

    A survival horror game set in the Alien universe, focusing on stealth and evasion in a space station.
    • First Release: 2014
    • Developer: Creative Assembly
  10. 10

    Amnesia: The Dark Descent

    A game known for its atmospheric horror and story, where the player explores a dark and foreboding castle while avoiding monsters and solving puzzles.
    • First Release: 2010
    • Developer: Frictional Games

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular horror game franchise. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Franchise is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 176 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Franchise once every 24 hours. The rank of each Franchise is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Horror Game Franchise

Resident Evil
Rank #1 for the most popular horror game franchise: Resident Evil (Source)
Horror games have captivated players for decades. These games tap into deep, primal fears. They create a mix of tension, suspense, and dread. The genre's roots trace back to early text-based adventures. As technology advanced, so did the complexity of these games.

Early horror games used simple graphics and sound. Despite this, they managed to scare players. The use of dark settings and eerie music played a big part. The goal was often to escape or survive.

As consoles and PCs evolved, so did horror games. Better graphics and sound design made them more immersive. Developers began to use more detailed environments. They also added complex storylines. This made players feel more connected to the game world.

One key element of horror games is atmosphere. Developers use lighting, sound, and pacing to build tension. Sudden scares, or "jump scares," are common. These moments can make players feel a rush of adrenaline. But a good horror game doesn't rely on jump scares alone. It builds a sense of dread over time.

Sound design is crucial in horror games. Ambient noises, whispers, and sudden loud sounds can unsettle players. Music often changes based on the player's actions. This dynamic soundtrack keeps players on edge.

Storytelling in horror games has evolved. Early games had simple plots. Modern games feature intricate narratives. These stories often involve mystery and the supernatural. Players may uncover the story through exploration. This can include finding notes, listening to tapes, or talking to characters.

Character design also plays a role. Protagonists in horror games are often ordinary people. This makes it easier for players to relate to them. Antagonists, on the other hand, are usually monstrous. Their design aims to evoke fear and revulsion.

Many horror games use a first-person perspective. This view makes the experience more personal. Players see the game world through the eyes of the character. This perspective can heighten the sense of immersion.

Resource management is a common theme. Players often have limited supplies. This can include ammunition, health items, or tools. Managing these resources adds another layer of tension. Players must decide when to fight and when to run.

Puzzle-solving is another staple. These puzzles can range from simple to complex. They often involve finding keys, decoding messages, or navigating mazes. Solving puzzles can provide a brief respite from the tension. But it can also lead to new dangers.

Some horror games offer multiple endings. Player choices can affect the outcome. This adds replay value and encourages exploration. It also makes players feel their actions have weight.

Over the years, horror games have influenced other media. Movies, books, and TV shows have drawn inspiration from them. The genre continues to evolve. Virtual reality offers new ways to experience horror. This technology can make games even more immersive.

Horror games remain popular because they offer a unique thrill. They challenge players to face their fears. They provide a safe space to explore the unknown. As technology advances, the potential for horror games grows. The genre will continue to scare and delight players for years to come.

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