The Most Popular Oatmeal Flavor, Ranked

Choose the oatmeal flavor you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 1, 2024 07:06
Choosing the right oatmeal flavor can be a surprisingly personal decision. Everyone has their own preferences and tastes, which can change over time or depend on what they're used to. By ranking oatmeal flavors based on votes from the public, we provide a snapshot of what's currently favored by the majority. This voting system not only gives everyone a voice but also helps to highlight trends and new favorites in the world of oatmeal. Whether you're looking for inspiration for your next breakfast or you simply want to see where your favorite stacks up, casting your vote and seeing the results can add a bit of fun and community spirit to your meal planning.

What Is the Most Popular Oatmeal Flavor?

  1. 1

    Apple Cinnamon

    A mix of dried apples and cinnamon spice, offering a warm, comforting flavor.
    • Popularity: High
  2. 2


    Filled with the flavor of blueberries, often mixed with pieces of the actual fruit.
    • Popularity: Moderate
  3. 3

    Cinnamon Spice

    A simple yet flavorful option with a strong presence of cinnamon.
    • Popularity: Moderate to Low
  4. 4

    Pumpkin Spice

    A seasonal favorite that combines the essence of pumpkin with traditional fall spices.
    • Popularity: Low
  5. 5


    A rich and indulgent flavor for those looking to satisfy their sweet tooth.
    • Popularity: Moderate to Low
  6. 6

    Maple & Brown Sugar

    A classic blend of sweet maple syrup and rich brown sugar.
    • Popularity: Very High
  7. 7

    Strawberries & Cream

    A sweet and creamy flavor with a hint of strawberry.
    • Popularity: Moderate
  8. 8

    Peaches & Cream

    A creamy oatmeal with slices of real peaches, offering a sweet taste.
    • Popularity: Moderate
  9. 9


    Plain oatmeal, versatile and perfect for adding your own toppings.
    • Popularity: High
  10. 10

    Banana & Walnut

    Combines the creaminess of bananas with the crunch of walnuts.
    • Popularity: Moderate

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular oatmeal flavor. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or oatmeal flavor is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 95 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each oatmeal flavor once every 24 hours. The rank of each oatmeal flavor is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Oatmeal Flavor

Oatmeal has been a breakfast staple for many years. Its versatility and health benefits make it a favorite choice. People enjoy it because it is easy to prepare and can be customized in countless ways. The most popular oatmeal flavor has a rich history that dates back to ancient times.

Oats were first cultivated in Europe. They were a hardy crop, able to withstand cold climates. Farmers grew them for both food and livestock feed. Over time, people discovered different ways to prepare oats. They roasted, ground, and boiled them to make a nutritious meal. As trade routes expanded, oats spread to other parts of the world. Each culture added its own twist to oatmeal.

In the 19th century, oatmeal became more common in the United States. Immigrants brought their recipes and traditions with them. The Industrial Revolution also played a role. It allowed for mass production and easier distribution of oats. Soon, oatmeal was a breakfast favorite in many households.

The most popular oatmeal flavor emerged as people began to experiment with different ingredients. They added fruits, nuts, and spices to enhance the taste. This flavor stood out because it combined familiar, comforting elements. It appealed to a wide range of tastes and preferences.

The rise of health consciousness in the 20th century further boosted oatmeal's popularity. People recognized its benefits, such as being high in fiber and low in fat. The most popular flavor also gained a reputation for being both delicious and nutritious. It became a go-to option for those looking to start their day on a healthy note.

Marketing played a significant role in cementing this flavor's status. Companies promoted it through advertisements and packaging. They highlighted its wholesome ingredients and appealing taste. This helped to attract even more fans.

In recent years, the popularity of this oatmeal flavor has remained strong. It continues to be a favorite among people of all ages. Its simplicity and versatility make it easy to customize. Some like to add fresh fruit, while others prefer a sprinkle of nuts or a dash of spice. No matter how it's prepared, this flavor remains a beloved choice for many.

The most popular oatmeal flavor's enduring appeal lies in its balance of taste and nutrition. It offers a comforting, satisfying start to the day. Its rich history and wide acceptance make it a timeless classic. As trends come and go, this flavor stands the test of time. It is a testament to the enduring charm of oatmeal and the creativity of those who enjoy it.

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